Understanding Your
Attachment Style

Understanding your unique attachment style provides a framework for building emotional intelligence and healthier, more fulfilling relationships.

Knowing your attachment style—whether it's secure, anxious, avoidant, or disorganized—offers several key benefits that can enhance both personal growth and relationship dynamics:

Improved Self-Awareness

Understanding your attachment style can help you recognize patterns in your behavior, emotions, and needs in relationships. This self-awareness enables you to manage emotional triggers and understand why you react to others in certain ways.


Healthier Relationships

By knowing your attachment style, you can better understand how you form emotional bonds, your communication style, and how you handle intimacy or conflict. This insight allows you to navigate relationships more effectively, fostering healthier connections with others.


Emotional Regulation

Knowing your attachment style helps you become aware of your emotional responses, such as anxiety or withdrawal. This awareness can guide you in regulating these emotions and fostering more secure attachment patterns over time.


Healing & Growth

Identifying an insecure attachment style can highlight areas for personal growth, leading to better emotional healing from past traumas or relationship issues. It empowers you to develop a more secure, balanced approach to attachment over time.

This Is Your Moment

Midlife is a time to take the wisdom gained from your twenties and thirties and create the life you truly desire. If past attachment wounds have held you back or shaped your relationships in ways that no longer serve you, this is your opportunity to heal and move forward. My attachment style course offers a step-by-step approach to understanding these patterns and rewriting your story for the future. It’s time to embrace a new chapter and live with deeper connection, freedom, and purpose. Join me today and start reframing your midlife journey!

What Makes Dr. Diane's
Attachment Style Courses Different?

Dr. Diane Strachowski’s courses stand out in several key ways, offering a truly unique experience for those seeking to heal and grow:

  1. Expertly Designed by a Licensed Psychologist: Dr. Diane is a licensed psychologist who has dedicated her entire career to studying attachment styles and relationships. With her deep expertise, you’re not just getting a quick overview—you’re getting a carefully crafted program grounded in decades of psychological research and real-world experience.

  2. A Personal Journey: Dr. Diane knows firsthand what it’s like to struggle with anxious attachment. Having worked on healing her own attachment style for over 20 years, she brings an unparalleled level of empathy and understanding. She’s been in your shoes, and she’s here to guide you through the process with compassion and insight.

  3. Bodywork and Nervous System Regulation: While most attachment courses focus solely on psychology, Dr. Diane takes it a step further by incorporating bodywork. She uses movement and exercises that work on calming your vagal nerve, helping to regulate your nervous system and bringing a holistic approach to healing attachment wounds.

  4. Humor and Lightness: Healing doesn’t have to be so heavy. Unlike other courses that leave you feeling weighed down by shame or guilt, Dr. Diane brings humor and levity to the process. This relaxed approach helps you let go and move forward without feeling overwhelmed, making your journey to healing both effective and enjoyable.

Dr. Diane’s courses offer a blend of psychology, personal experience, and practical tools to help you not just understand your attachment style but transform it—while having a few laughs along the way!

A FOUR-Step Approach To Change Your Life


Transform your Body: learn techniques to physically calm your nervous system and gain better perspective


Transform your Soul: learn how to reframe your story and create an empowering narrative


Transform your Brain: discover practices that will balance and ground you in rational thought


Transform through Action: put all of your new principles into play in everyday life


I was a hot mess before I met Dr. Diane! I learned that my anxiety wasn't my fault but something I could work on with her guidance. Doing the homework and working on new skills has made all the difference-- I am actually having fun dating again!
The value of this course blows my mind! I have spend hundreds of dollars on therapy, only wish I had known sooner. My partner and I have reached whole new levels of understanding thanks to the skills I have learned.
Dr. Diane, your course is changing my life. I have never had this explained to me the way you do. I am sharing your course with all my friends.



CODE: 2024