It’s time to focus on coping skills. The only way you will become more secure is with daily practice.
I’ve identified a four-step process to becoming more secure. It’s been proven to work with my clients, and the feedback I’m getting from my Secrets for how to be more secure speak for themselves.
Step One: Calm your Body; when you feel safe and secure in your body, you will have more bandwidth to handle difficult emotions as they come up.
Step Two: Reframe your narrative about love. What old stories are you telling yourself, such as ‘all the good ones are taken, or I am not good enough.’ Do the inner child exercise to give yourself the love you didn’t get.
Step Three: Work to rationalize your thoughts, learn Cognitive Behavioral Techniques to help you cope with negative thoughts, and learn to think more rationally.
Step Four: You need good boundaries and confident behaviors to get you what you want. How are you showing up online, asking for what you want, and then moving your relationships forward?
I cover these four steps in my courses.
Like and Save this blog, you can still learn to become more secure with knowledge of the steps and daily actions.